
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Is kapa haka good for us

I was learning about kapa haka

I made this slide to tell about  kapa haka

it was amazing

what is your favourite  kapa haka move

my literacy

Diljot Culture Significance T3 LCS 2021 Distance learning August

I was learning about Culture

I made this Culture slide

it was amazing

what kind of Culture is your favourite

my literacy

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Why are there axolotls in Minecraft

I was learning about video games

I made this Google drawing to tell about why are there axolotls in Minecraft

it was amazing

what kind of mod do you like

my literacy

how to build a easy treehouse

I was learning about video games

I made this Google drawing to tell about how to make a easy treehouse

it was amazing

what do you like to build in Minecraft

my literacy

Reading Week 4

I was learning about video games

I made this slide to tell about video games

it was amazing

what is your favourite video game

my literacy

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Save the frogs

I was learning about frogs

I made a slide telling about frogs

it was amazing

what kind of frogs do you like

my steam rotation

A poster of me

I was learning about sports or music

I made a poster of me telling about sports

it was amazing

Do you like sports or musics

My literacy


I was learning about sports and music

I made sports writing

it was amazing

do you like sports or music

my writing

Diljot Reading Week 3

i was learning about point of view

i made this to show about point of view

i thought it was amazing

would you pick sports or music?

my literacy

Friday, August 6, 2021

New Playground

I was learning about changes

I made the slide to show about why there should be a new playground at our school

i thought it was fun

do you like my post?

my literacy

Diljot Reading Week 2 T3 I have something to say!

i was learning about opinions and facts

i made this slide to show about why there should be more playgrounds at our school

i thought it was amazing

what do you think should be changed in the world?

my literacy